NursElet Founder Rupal Asodaria on the Importance of Breastfeeding
Rupal Asodaria is a wife, mom, entrepreneur, inventor and a shop owner of NursElet.com. She lives with her family in San Francisco bay area, California. By discipline, she holds a Masters of Science degree in engineering and was working for IT firm. After giving birth to her babies, she decided to become stay at home mom to raise her kids by her own! She firmly believes in breastfeeding and is a proud donor of breast milk. Her kids inspired her to create a genius baby product called NursElet® - The Essential Bracelet for Nursing Mom – to make other mothers’ breastfeeding journey easier and more comfortable.
Photography by Jaci Wright, http://www.oneflashatatime.com/
They say necessity is the mother of invention, and it happened in my case. I was fortunate enough to breastfeed both my children for two years, a beautiful gift I was so grateful to give them. I noticed, though, that I was slowly developing an acute back pain and neck strain due to improper posture and unclear latch while feeding my little one. When nothing worked out to relieve and soothe my pain, I had to invent something. The result is NursElet® - the Essential bracelet for nursing mom. It is a patent pending product.
NursElet® is a very convenient and easy nursing bracelet that helps breastfeeding mothers to secure their shirts from falling on the little one and eliminates the need of holding the shirt with hands while breastfeeding or pumping. When nursing is done, it can become her bracelet to remind her which breast to use next. My hope is to provide all possible comfort to the breastfeeding mother and to encourage her to continue breastfeeding journey with her little one as long as she can. This multifunctional accessory will surely simplify her early and important years of motherhood.
It is our responsibility to bring breastfeeding awareness in our community and global level by contributing what we do every day in our life. This year’s world breastfeeding week’s theme is to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are divided in following four thematic areas, and how they are interlinked to each other to represent the strongest links to breastfeeding.
- Nutrition, Food Security and Poverty Reduction
- Survival, Health and Wellbeing
- Environment and Climate Change
- Women’s Productivity and Employment
Here are five ways that how I am able to contribute my invention NursElet® to obtain these well-defined SDGs.
- Mothers know that breastfeeding is sustenance and food security for their young children. Early investments in prevention of low birth weight, prevention of stunting and early initiation of and exclusive breastfeeding contribute to reducing the risk of later obesity and chronic diseases. By attending new mom’s group in local hospital, closely working with lactation consultant and sharing experience of breastfeeding journey plus not to give up on breastfeeding in those early and important days of motherhood. Helping mothers to make their breastfeeding journey easier by providing NursElet® as a little lifesaver.
- On average, babies who are breastfed have a 2.6 point higher intelligent quotient then non-breastfed babies. Sharing breastfeeding journeys from clients on our blogpost and spread the words of benefits of breastfeeding via all across social platforms.
- Breastmilk is a “natural, renewable food” that is environmentally safe and produced and delivered to the consumer without pollution, packaging, or waste. Encouraging mothers and families that breastfeeding is the first practical step that we can take to protect not only the health of babies and mothers but also the health of our planet by avoiding the formula consumption. Also, by manufacturing the products locally not just to support local economy but also try to reduce the carbon footprint.
- Mother’s milk is an essential food resource which needs to be protected. Women have to go back to work after certain maternity leave. Pumping is the only option for working mothers during this period to maintain the adequate milk supply. NursElet® helps mothers for easy stain free pumping and simplifies the breastfeeding efforts at work.
- “It takes a village to raise a child” is a perfect call to each of us. Partnering and working with local community, national and higher level breastfeeding events to promote a positive attitude to breastfeeding. NursElet® always seeks an opportunity to achieve these goals via collaboration with other organizations or brands.
NursElet® is available in selected local hospital, maternity center, national baby shops, Amazon and at NursElet.com to make other mothers’ breastfeeding journey easier. For others, it’s a fashionable accessory but for a nursing mom, it’s a lifesaver. Join Rupal's journey by signing up for her newsletter and follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to stay up to date on her adventures.