"The female body is so magical."

"There were no doubts about nursing my baby. I was surprised how naturally breastfeeding came to me. In the beginning, I had a very heavy flow of milk and a very sleepy baby, so I didn’t pump as often as I should have. My mistake! I became engorged, and my breasts developed mastitis. My advice to struggling mamas is to relax and allow your body to do exactly what it was designed to do. The female body is so magical; we are a home and a source of nourishment for the next generation. I am definitely an advocate for breastfeeding because it develops an intimate bond between me and my baby, and possesses nutritional benefits. It is cost effective, perfect in temperature, and always available for your baby. Remember: your child’s needs come before someone else’s comfort. Whip it out whenever, wherever, in front of who ever!"

-Nyja Richardson, mom and blogger, sharing her breastfeeding wisdom.




August 11, 2016 — Mitera Collection