Top 5 New Mum Essentials
When you become a mom, there are a whole slew of products you never even thought you needed to get you through the vast physical and lifestyle changes. One of the most important mommy-products that often gets left out of the mix is an essential: the bra. Sure, there are plenty of maternity and nursing bras on the market, but do we really want to wear any of them? Are they pretty? Sexy? But most importantly, are they functional? Amoralia founder Jules Canterbury didn't think so - which is why in 2005 she set out to disrupt the bra market with maternity and nursing bras that make a woman feel beautiful, all while providing the easy accessibility moms need when they're nursing.
Here are Top 5 New Mum Essentials curated by the Amoralia team.
Women get a lot of advice when it comes to dressing their maternity bump. We also see a lot of maternity style on the red carpet, but rarely are women given advice on what to wear while breastfeeding. It is just as important for women to feel attractive during this stage of motherhood as any other, but the actual act of breastfeeding can make choosing a suitable wardrobe a little tricky. Here’s our pick for the top 5 essentials you need to help get yourself nursing ready;
1. A sleep bra. When your milk comes in, you’ll want to wear something super soft and incredibly comfortable, as you’re going to be extremely tender. It’s best to stay clear of underwires for the first 6 weeks of nursing, but it’s also important to find a bra that offers all of this at night too. Our Seamless Sleep bra has easy lift up nursing access, offers great support and also has a double layer at the front to hold breast pads (and trust us, you’re going to want to wear them at night too!)
We recommend: Seamless Sleep bra $49.
2. Nursing camisoles. These are so useful! They’re great to cover a new mum tum as well as providing easy nursing access. Go for something with an 'A frame', as this means you’ll have a bit more coverage whilst feeding in public.
We recommend: Seamless Nursing Cami. $69
3. Something special. The number one priority for new mums is comfort, but that doesn’t mean you always have to reach for the most plain-Jane looking nursing bra on the shelf. Buying something special with a little lace or shimmer, will give you a lift in more ways than one. After all, just because you’re breastfeeding, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel beautiful! Go for something with a little extra pizazz, that you’ll be happy to put on in the morning.
We recommend: Allure nursing bra with removable flexi wire. $59
4. Scarves. If you’re a first-time mum, you might want to invest in a good scarf or shawl as cover whilst you’re feeding. They’re a good idea for the outdoors too, to protect your newborn against hot or cold weather, and whilst there are covers out there catered to this, why not treat yourself with something you’ll want to wear again and again? Go for something in soft cotton and don’t be afraid to splash out!
5. Netflix! Trust us, DVD box sets and the sofa are going to be your best friends when you become a new mum – and not in a bad way either! It’s important to snooze and catch up on sleep whenever you can, and let’s face it, you deserve a little break every now and then!
PS: Stock up on Lansinoh!