Sleepykins: A Modern-Boho Baby + DockATot Giveaway!
HELLO BABY! In September we welcomed our newest Babiekins, Ethan! Here is a peek into his Modern-Boho nursery featuring baby items we love! I am also giving away a multi-functional DockATot Deluxe baby lounger to one lucky winner! See details to enter and where to get must-have baby essentials below! ENJOY!
GIVEAWAY !!! Win your very own DockATot Deluxe! We absolutely love ours and so does baby Ethan. Visit my Instagram feed @0utsidetheboxfox to enter or comment on this blog post below. Good Luck!
Room E-styled by the Progency Shoppe . For more information about E-styling provided by the Progency Shoppe visit www.progencyshoppe.com/pages/design
Baby Essentials
+Dresses and “Le Diaper” Clutch from Mitera Collection. www.miteracollection.com
+Moses Basket from Plum+Sparrow. www.plumandsparrow.com
+Zig Zag Rug from Lorena Canals Washable Rugs. www.lorenacanals.us
+DockATot Deluxe from DockATot. www.dockatot.com
+The Ollie Swaddle from The Ollie World. www.theollieworld.com
+Organic Play Gym from Finn + Emma. www.finnandemma.com
+ Leather Changing Mat from GATHRE. www.gathre.com
+Blue “Azure” Newborn Baby Booties from Bink & Boo. www.binkandboo.com
+Crocheted Grey Baby Short from Cosy Cloud Kid. www.cosycloudkids.com
+Orange Crocheted Booties from Artizenbox. www.artizenbox.com
+Black and Grey Beanie from WildSunshine Threads. https://squareup.com/market/wildsunshine
+ Falsa Blanket ( on adult bed) Wildsunshine Threads. https://squareup.com/market/wildsunshine
+ Golden Soul Baby Wrap (on door) and Mint Teether by Little Willow Wraps. www.etsy.com/shop/littlewillowwraps
+Wooden Toy Car, “Barf Vader” Bib and Wooden “RALEIGH” Wall Art by MadeShops. www.madeshops.com
+Crib by IKEA. www.ikea.us
+Blue Ombre (Plant) Basket, Wool Ball Garland,Gorilla Plush, & Yellow Pillows from TARGET. www.target.com
+Mud-Cloth Pillow by HomeGirl Collection. www.homegirlcollection.com