Modern Motherhood: A New Identity
Hey friends! It’s been a while since I’ve been here on the blog and that’s because I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. In a nutshell, this is the last time I’ll be posting here on Thoughts by Natalie. It’s bittersweet to say goodbye to this space I’ve had for so long, but it’s not the end of my blogging life completely! In fact, I’m so excited to be starting something brand new and wanted to share a little bit about it here for those of you who may not follow along on Instagram and have gotten the full update.
The truth is, I’ve felt a bit disconnected from this blog since I started my jewelry business and have been debating whether to keep it or start fresh for at least a year now. This is a blog I started when I was a completely different person, in a different place, with different interests. Since becoming a mother and a designer, I’ve felt less connected to my identity as a “lifestyle blogger” and more of a desire to focus on my core business.
My biggest fear was losing my solid readership base since I’ve had this blog going on for so many years, but the more time goes by the more I realize I don’t care very much about stats or numbers, but rather authentically connecting with you all as customers and friends and fellow mamas and entrepreneurs. And that’s what I want to do here!
I honestly considered abandoning blogging completely because I felt like it wasn’t something people were as interested in these days, but after polling a lot of you informally via Instagram many of you confirmed that you either read the blog regularly, check it when I tell you on Instagram I’ve put up a new post, or at the very least enjoy being able to reference content I’ve shared before. So with that input, the blogging continues—just in a slightly new format.
So, there you have it—it’s time for a fresh start! I hope you’ll follow along over on the new blog here.